ASME Programming Workshop

Website for programming workshop for ASME at UCF

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Download for this project’s code: Here


For this project, there are no required includes.


Only one variable is needed, an integer that contains the pin number the LED is connect to.

int ledPin = 3;


For this project, no extra functions need to be created.


In the setup function, the pin mode of the led pin needs to be set to output, which means the pin will send out voltage when the code tells it to. To do this, use the pinMode(pin, OUTPUT) function.

void setup() {
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); //set pinmode of the ledpin to output.


  1. In order to make the LED flash, it needs to be turned on, then the program needs to wait, then the led needs to be turned off, followed by another wait.
  2. This will give the appearance of the LED flashing. To set the output of the pin to HIGH (5v) or LOW (0v), use the digitalWrite(pin, HIGH or LOW) function.
  3. To make the program wait, use the delay(millisecondsToDelay) function.
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); //turn on led
  delay(50);//wait 50 milliseconds
  digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW);//turn off led
  delay(50);//wait 50 milliseconds